Growth Takes Time

Be not afraid of growing slowly.

Be afraid of standing still.

~ Chinese Proverb

Namaskar All,

I had the good fortune recently to travel west and see the giant sequoias—trees that can live 3,000 years. There’s a sense of indescribable awe when you stand in the presence of a living thing that has stood rooted to the same spot on the earth for that long. And there’s a sense of stillness around the trees—as if they’ve been quietly witnessing as seasons pass and the world changes around them.

Two hundred years ago Native Americans were the only visitors to the sacred giant trees—now awe-struck travelers from around the world come. And all of those years are nothing in the life of the trees seeming to stand still there in their places. Standing still is an illusion though.

It may take forestry measurements to see, but through fires and adversity the trees are growing. A tree burnt and dead at the top continues to grow at the base—bark grows around fire scars to heal them. Slowly and patiently the trees go on, standing in their place but not still, growing.

We don’t have the lifetime of those trees, but they can still be an inspiration for us to be patient and allow ourselves to grow slowly. Our scars and damage don’t heal  in moments. Sometimes we’re trying to grow past an idea we’ve carried around with us for years. Sometimes we’re looking in the wrong direction altogether for our answers. Whether it’s physical or mental, everyone comes to yoga to grow and change in some way and that requires some self-compassion and kindness.

The awareness we bring to our practice can help us understand what holds us back and what will help us find the best of what we are. Our practice can remind us to measure our growth in small stages, rather than being yoked to a big expectation that leads us to discouragement. Our practice can help us stand strong and steady  in our world, seeming still, even as we grow slowly into all of our possibilities.

Be inspired and grow at your own pace,
